Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine week 6

It feels like I wrote our week 5 post yesterday!  The weeks and days fly by, it's so strange since we are not leaving the house at all except for our daily walks around the neighborhood.

We had Annabelle's CSE meeting this week and have decided, along with her teachers, to move her from the integrated co-taught class into a self contained 12:1:1 (up to 12 kids, 1 teacher, 1 aide).  This class will be academically driven but go at the pace that is best for each child.  It was a big decision but after talking to teachers, therapists, the school, and many friends we decided it was a good move for her.  The best part is that it will be offered at her current school (we have 7 elementary schools in the district) and one of our neighbors will be in her class.  We absolutely love everyone at her school and she already knows lots of the students so we are excited for next year!

School is a challenge.  Some days it takes from 10am - 5pm to get the work done because of all the distractions and breaks she needs.  Unfortunately, she needs a lot of support throughout the day so it's a long day for both of us and I get very little done around the house.  It's especially tough when the weather isn't nice so we are stuck inside all day.  It snowed a couple days here this week but we did still manage to get out for a few walks.  We just bundle up really warm!  We are definitely ready for more spring-like weather!!

For fun to remember what is going on during this quarantine week by week I've decided to post the top 10 hashtags of the day I post.  Mainly because so much is happening day to day I want to remember in the future.

  1.  #Lysol
  2. #InjectDisinfectant
  3. #DontDrinkBleach
  4. #CongressPassUBI
  5. #TrumpIsNotADoctor
  6. #FridayFeeling
  7. #TheOnion
  8. #Jackboy
  9. #BankofChina
  10. #Sarcastic

Window markers and Bug watching

working on our snap circuits

Created a light circuit

Making necklaces

My morning workout setup

Annabelle gets her math or reading done while I workout
(or dances & watches YouTube LOL)

Looking at maps of the world and doing puzzles

practicing sight words

learning to tell time

so proud!

Subtraction with dice

More subtraction practice

working on patterns

These two <3 

Working on fundations oi & oy

Math flash cards, get 5 right and read a book

Dance class via Zoom

Our caterpillars are in their chrysalis now

Working on numbers

Went old school for counting to 12

PJ zoom dance party with Ashford Dance

Annabelle pulled out some books to read today LOL

More math fun!

Today we went on a virtual field trip to zoos around the US.  

The panda eating at the Atlanta Zoo

Friday, April 17, 2020

Quarantine week 5

It's been 5 weeks since Annabelle has been at school, hard to believe it has been that long.  The time is flying by, we are so busy all day from 5am till bedtime at 8pm.  School has been giving assignments along with therapy ideas and even specials (art, music, & PE).  I now understand why there are a team of 10 people teaching Annabelle, it's exhausting and at some times overwhelming!

We know that we will not be going back to school before May 15th but we are speculating that they won't go back until September.  It's just too risky to send all the kids back when they are in such close contact all day.  Our new normal isn't so bad.  We have our schedule, Brian has been working from home since day 1, and we have the love & support of so many friends & family.  Stay healthy!

Our neighbor brought these over for Annabelle, addition & subtraction practice. 
She loves just clicking them all up and down which makes for great OT practice.

On nice days we try to get outside for a few hours in the afternoon. 
We go on lots of walks and also play some soccer.

Chalking together is another favorite past time, can't wait for it to get warmer!

We bought a butterfly growing kit so we have been talking about their life cycle and doing lots of worksheets.  She loved listening to the caterpillar song while we talked about them.

Annabelle loves music so we made a guitar.  
She used it for her next Facebook live music therapy class.

We had foam easter egg coloring.  She loved playing in it.

Obstacle course fun

Another go at it

Putting on makeup while on FB messenger with Grandma Linda <3 

Working on typing sentences, she always slows down when I video her.

After many tries we came up with a great system for a schedule.  The pink folder is our morning then I pull off the pics and put together our afternoon / evening.  She loves knowing what is going on all day.  There is also a reward sheet, when she gets 5 stars she can play on FB messenger with her friends.

Reorganized the table to hold our work, iPads, schedule, folders, and slant board.

Making banana bread