Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We had a great long weekend!  Saturday we went to Jeff's for his 39th birthday party.  Annabelle was so good the entire night and even took a full bottle without fussing.  She is also sleeping in her crib now every night and usually only getting up once to eat so we are getting a lot more sleep! 

Yesterday PaPa and Grandma Elder came up to meet Annabelle and celebrate a late Christmas (they both had colds in December and the bad weather has been keeping them from being able to making the trip sooner).  The weather was nice for their drive from Erie which was great for this time of year.  Brian also had a snow day, the temperature got down to negative 10 degrees, so the City School was closed for the day which was nice we all got to visit.  We had a great time, they stayed over night and spent some more time with us today when Brian went back to work.  Grandma helped give Annabelle a bath and we had some tummy time today.  We were sad to see them leave this afternoon but they had to get going so they could beat the rush hour traffic in Buffalo. 

The first two pictures are from Jeff's birthday and there are three from Grandma & PaPa's visit.  I also included two of Annabelle with a teddy bear of mine from when I was little.  We are going to take pictures of her with this bear each month to see how much she grows.


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