I can't believe I haven't posted since February! So much has happened and we've been so busy, I really slacked off!
I'm not sure where to start. In February Annabelle got her mini button for feeding (switched out from her original one placed in November). She was on formula but her system wasn't agreeing with it. I switched her over to a blended diet (picture taking a plate of nutritious food, sticking it in the blender with some broth and oat milk, blending and putting it directly into her stomach) and she started to thrive immediately. We got rid of all the formula and will never go back to that! She is about 32 pounds now, up from the 24 when she had the tube put in November 4th.
We have been attending orientations for Kindergarten in the fall! Annabelle is very excited and we get to take a tour of the school today. It's bittersweet, we will definitely miss everyone at CP Rochester but it will be nice not having to drive 25 minutes each way. She had graduation in June but will still attend summer program at CP before starting Kindergarten in the fall.
Another new activity we are starting is Challenger baseball. It's a special needs program so Annabelle will be matched with someone who will help her with hitting, running, throwing, etc. I think she is really going to enjoy it, a lot of our friends play so she will already know many team mates.
We are looking forward to the warm weather, summer fun and "late night" bonfires! Even though we had a mild winter it seems like spring has been very chilly. Bring on the sun ;-)
Annabelle helping with vacuuming the house |
Having fun with SnapChat |
Love playing dress up! |
Her new mini button and the first button buddy I made |
Playing the keyboard with Keira at the museum |
Loves a train ride! |
St Patty's Day parade with daddy |
Our friend Chloe's birthday party - loved the climbing and slides |
Eating her Easter peep from school |
She loved the Easter bunny this year! |
Annabelle & her friend Jason at the museum |
This may be my favorite picture ever!! |
Working hard at therapy |
Working on her writing |
walking the stairs at the museum on her own!! |
She has no more fear of people dress in costumes - bring on Disney! |
Her and Clyde - BFF's |
Easter egg hunt and brunch |
Her new art desk, loves to sit next to mommy's desk and draw |
Our friend Scarlett's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese |
Webster Easter egg hunt |
She ran up and gave the bunny a hug <3 |
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