Sunday, December 19, 2021

Birthday weekend - this is 11

When your birthday falls on a Saturday and it's the week before Christmas, it's go big or go home.  This was Annabelle's birthday extravaganza extended weekend!  

 Thursday afternoon we went to the zoo with our neighbors.  It was a beautiful day in the 60's, perfect zoo weather!  

After the zoo we went to Red Robin where
they sang Happy Birthday to her! 
This was a very special treat, we haven't gone
out to a restaurant inside in almost 2 years.


Friday Annabelle celebrated her birthday at school, along with crazy hair day.  After she came home we made cupcakes for this weekend!

Reading her Birthday book they made her at school, quick mask break for a pic

Showing daddy her book

Always sneak a little therapy in where we can!

Working the mixer all on her own!

After cupcakes we had dinner, watched the Grinch and read "the night before my birthday" before bed.  Then the fun began with us to transform our Christmas decor over to Birthday decor!

Jingles the elf always brings
the rainbow for her birthday :-)

I took a bunch of video from when she woke up, seeing all the decorations and everything we had set up.  This was when she spotted her elf, Jingles.

Video chatting with one of her besties

Brian had a little work to do in the morning but then it was on to presents!  First she had to find them with a series of 18 clues in a scavenger hunt that took her all over the house.   These presents are not just from us, this is my brother, Brian's brother, grandparents, and friends.  

Annual birthday scavenger hunt to find her presents

Decorating her birthday cupcakes

After lunch we got dressed and we were off to Disney on Ice!  Annabelle chose the non-traditional Mal from Descendants outfit with a princess tiara, black boots and an Olaf bow on her braided hair.  She has her own style for sure and I love how she expresses it.

We had almost the entire section to ourselves!

When we got home we got ready for our neighbors to come over and celebrate with food, cupcakes, and lots of laughs for an Un-Slumber party!

huge box for the win!

Love these three and their friendship!

While tucking Annabelle in, way past her bedtime, she gave us both the biggest hugs.  She was all giggles then all the sudden a sad pouty face.  She told us that she was sad her day was over.  She then started giggling again, I'm sure reflecting back on our amazing day!

After we came downstairs and while cleaning up, I checked my watch and it was exactly the time Annabelle was born 11 years ago!  So Brian and I toasted the birthday girl and reminisced that first night with our baby girl.

Sunday we topped off Annabelle's birthday extravaganza with a girl scout event at iSmash in the splatter paint room followed by ice skating with Santa and another birthday celebration with Annabelle's other besties.  

Playing with her sink, she loves it!

Bug is such a princess!  He kept
this on for minutes LOL

I hate filters, I think they are so fake 
but this one was pretty cool!

Playing with the twins from Uncle Curt, 
Aunt Tina, Curtis & Sydney.  She named them
after her twin cousins <3 

Splatter paint with Girl Scouts, so fun!

All dressed for ice skating with Santa!

Those eyes are smiling!

matching mermaid face tattoos

I've been giving it my all since Thursday.  
This celebration is over and I'm tired.  Free 
day to play with Jingles.

I asked her tonight if there was anything that could have made the weekend any better and she said no.  My job here is done, now on to spread the Christmas magic!

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